Titolo: [OK+][IPB1.3] Codici per le Firme Utenti
Inserito da: quicck - 30 Aprile , 2004, 01:41:07
[OK+][IPB1.3] Codici per le Firme UtentiNome: Only one sig per topic Realizzatore: Preconfigurato Installatore: quicck Data: 30/04/2004 Note: Con questa modifica la firma di ciascun utente viene visualizzata solo nel primo post per ogni singola pagina Codice: ******************************************* *** Only view one signature per topic *** *** Written by: Chris Kelly *** *******************************************
***************************************************** *** Open your sources/Topics.php file and find... *** *****************************************************
var $md5_check = "";
***************************** *** Underneath that, add: *** *****************************
var $sigused = "";
************************ *** Then search for: *** ************************
$row['signature'] = $skin_universal->signature_separator($poster['signature']);
****************************** *** And replace that with: *** ******************************
$ppos = strpos($sigused, (" ".$poster['id']." ")); if($ppos === false) { $sigused = $sigused." ".$poster['id']." "; $row['signature'] = $skin_universal->signature_separator($poster['signature']); } else { $row['signature'] = ""; }
********************************************** *** Save and upload the file, you're done! *** ********************************************** File: /
Titolo: [OK+][IPB1.3] Codici per le Firme Utenti
Inserito da: quicck - 30 Aprile , 2004, 01:41:35
questa ne è la prova :)
Titolo: [OK+][IPB1.3] Codici per le Firme Utenti
Inserito da: Godarms - 30 Aprile , 2004, 09:51:02
Nome: Allow-Dissallow images in signature Realizzatore: Preconfigurato Installatore: Godarms Data: 30/04/2004 Note: Codice: /---------------------------------------------------/ // Member of the Day Hack // Written by gamer, originally by Shadow Fox for v1.0, // handed over to intrktevo // // This mod will give you an option in the ACP whether // to allow members to have Images in their signatures // or not. /---------------------------------------------------/
=========== Step 1 =========== Open ad_settings.php
**** FIND **** case 'doavatars': $this->save_config( array ( 'av_gal_cols' , "disable_ipbsize", "photo_ext", 'subs_autoprune', 'topicpage_contents', 'postpage_contents', 'allow_skins', 'max_sig_length', 'sig_allow_ibc', 'sig_allow_html','avatar_ext','avatar_url','avup_size_max','avatars_on','avatar_dims','avatar_def', 'max_location_length', 'max_interest_length', 'post_titlechange', 'guests_ava', 'guests_img', 'guests_sig' ) ); break;
**************************** ADD RIGHT AFTER sig_all_html **************************** 'sig_allow_img',
**** FIND **** if ($INFO['postpage_contents'] == "") { $INFO['postpage_contents'] = '5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40'; }
********* ADD ABOVE ********* $ADMIN->html .= $SKIN->add_td_row( array( "<b>Allow IMAGES in signatures?</b>" , $SKIN->form_yes_no( "sig_allow_img", $INFO['sig_allow_img'] ) ) ); Save and close. =========== Step 2 =========== Open post_parser.php
**** FIND **** if ($ibforums->vars['allow_images']) { $txt = preg_replace( "#\[img\](.+?)\[/img\]#ie" , "\$this->regex_check_image('\\1')" , $txt ); $txt = preg_replace( "#(\[flash=)(\S+?)(\,)(\S+?)(\])(\S+?)(\[\/flash\])#ie", "\$this->regex_check_flash('\\2','\\4','\\6')", $txt ); }
************ REPLACE WITH ************ if ($ibforums->vars['allow_images']) { // Changes Here! if($in['SIGNATURE'] == 1) { if($ibforums->vars['sig_allow_img']) { $txt = preg_replace( "#\[img\](.+?)\[/img\]#ie" , "\$this->regex_check_image('\\1')" , $txt ); } } else { $txt = preg_replace( "#\[img\](.+?)\[/img\]#ie" , "\$this->regex_check_image('\\1')" , $txt ); $txt = preg_replace( "#(\[flash=)(\S+?)(\,)(\S+?)(\])(\S+?)(\[\/flash\])#ie", "\$this->regex_check_flash('\\2','\\4','\\6')", $txt ); } }
=========== Step 3 =========== Upload all the files you uploaded back into their respective folders.
> sources/Admin/ad_settings.php > sources/lib/post_parser.php
Enjoy this mod! For any support, visit the official topic at IBPlanet.com! File: /